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German Art History and Sitemap

August Friedrich Siegert (1786-1869)

German Art has a long and distinguished tradition in the visual arts, from the earliest known work of figurative art to its current output of contemporary art.
Germany has only been united into a single state since the 19th century, and defining its borders has been a notoriously difficult and painful process.
For earlier periods German art often effectively includes that produced in German-speaking regions including Austria, Alsace and much of Switzerland, as well as largely German-speaking cities or regions to the east of the modern German borders.

August Macke - At the Garden Table

Although tending to be neglected relative to Italian and French contributions from the point of view of the English-speaking world, German art has played a crucial role in the development of Western art, especially Celtic art, Carolingian art and Ottonian art.
From the development of Romanesque art, France and Italy began to lead developments for the rest of the Middle Ages, but the production of an increasingly wealthy Germany remained highly important.

The German Renaissance developed in rather different directions to the Italian Renaissance, and was initially dominated by the central figure of Albrecht Dürer and the early German domination of printing.
The final phase of the Renaissance, Northern Mannerism, was centred around the edges of the German lands, in Flanders and the Imperial capital of Prague, but, especially in architecture, the German Baroque and Rococo took up these imported styles with enthusiasm.
The German origins of Romanticism did not lead to an equally central position in the visual arts, but German participation in the many broadly Modernist movements following the collapse of Academic art have been increasing important.

German Artists at Tutt'Art@

Lucian Freud (1922-2011) | Figurative painter
Cathrine Edlinger-Kunze | Abstract painter
Venice in the 18th-Century paintings
Friedrich Paul Nerly | Seascape painter
Tilman Riemenschneider (1460-1531) | Late Gothic sculptor
Albert Einstein / Giuseppe Arcimboldo: "La creatività è l'intelligenza che si diverte"!
Carl von Stetten (1857-1942) | Genre painter
Gernot Rasenberger, 1943 | Cityscape painter
Bruno Bruni, 1935 | Surrealist Lithographer
Gesine Marwedel, 1987 | Body painter
Erwin Blumenfeld | Fashion / Surrealist photographer
Max Nonnenbruch | Young Beauty, 1892
Franz Von Stuck | Symbolist painter
Max Liebermann (German, 1847-1935)
Ludwig Gschossmann | Impressionist painter
Otto Pippel | Ballet dancers
Otto Pippel | Impressionist painter
Adolph von Menzel | Drawing
Wilhelm Gause | Genre painter
Henri Lehmann | Neoclassical painter
Dietz Edzard | Romantic impressionist painter
Confucio | Aforismi / Quotes
Max Liebermann | Impressionist painter
German Artists | Sitemap
Otto Mueller | Expressionist painter
Albrecht Dürer | High Renaissance painter
Pablo Neruda | The Kiss / Il Bacio / El beso
Beethoven's love letters to his immortal beloved | Lettere d'amore di Beethoven all'amata immortale, 1812
Caspar David Friedrich | Romantic / Symbolist painter
Carl Wuttke | Landscape / Architectural painter
Brita Seifert, 1963 | Surrealist painter
Albert Einstein's letter to Marie Curie, 1911
Johann Wolfgang Goethe | Mentre andavo / Im Vorübergehn
Hans Holbein the Younger | Northern Renaissance painter
Louis Douzette | Romantic landscape painter
Quint Buchholz, 1957 | Magic Realism painter / illustrator
Hans Memling | Northern Renaissance painter
Wolfgang Kossuth (1947-2009) | Figurative sculptor
Albrecht Altdorfer | Northern Renaissance painter
Anton Raphael Mengs | Neoclassical painter
Lucas Cranach the Elder | Northern Renaissance painter ⁽²⁾
Lucas Cranach the Elder | Northern Renaissance painter
Wilhelm von Schadow | Romantic painter
Gregor Erhart | La Belle Allemande, 1515-1520
Max Liebermann | Impressionist painter ⁽¹⁾
Caspar David Friedrich | Two Men Contemplating the Moon, 1825-30
Leopold Franz Kowalski | Genre painter
Carl Gustav Carus | Romantic painter
Franz von Lenbach | Portrait painter
Meyer von Bremen | Genre painter | Düsseldorf school of painting
August Macke | Expressionist painter | Part. 1
August Macke | Expressionist painter
Andy Warhol | Goethe, 1982
Tina Cassati | Surrealist Fashion
Ernst Lorenz Murowana | Romantic Seascape painter
David Garrett, 1980 | The magic devil's violinist / Il magico violinista del diavolo..
Heinz Rabbow, 1940 | Portrait painter
Johan Zoffany | Neoclassical Portrait painter
Johan Zoffany | The Tribuna of the Uffizi, 1772-1778
Jean Mannheim | Plein air painter
Christine Ellger, 1948 | Surrealist Fine Art Photographer
Hans-Joachim Staude | Figurative Expressionist painter
Paulo Coelho /Catrin Welz-Stein ~ Quotes /Aforismi
Philipp Weber, 1974 | Hyperrealist painter
Albrecht Dürer ~ Renaissance painter | Woodcuts and Engravings
Albrecht Dürer ~ Renaissance painter | Hand study
Arthur Schopenhauer / Antonio Nunziante | Quotes / Aforismi
Max Streckenbach | Floral still life painter
Hugo Mühlig ~ Landscape / Genre painter | The Munich Secession
Hartwig Kopp-Delaney | Symbolist / Mystical Digital painter
Hans Hassenteufel | Figurative Realist painter
Madre Teresa/ Brita Seifert ~ Tieni sempre presente /Always keep in mind
Ernst Barlach ~ Expressionist sculptor | Degenerate Art
Fritz Klimsch | Figurative sculptor
Dietz Edzard | La Belle Époque
Ferdinand Max Bredt | Orientalist painter
Oswald Achenbach | Düsseldorf school of painting
Johann Jungblut ~ Romantic Landscape painter
Andreas Achenbach ~ The Dusseldorf School of painting
Adolph von Menzel | Realist painter
Hans Baluschek ~ The Berlin Secession
Herman Hesse / Daniel Gerhartz ~ Eleanor..
Retro Postcards / Wolfgang von Goethe | Io penso a te..
Hans Thomas (1839-1924) | Symbolist painter
Alesya von Meer, 1983
Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach ~ Symbolist and Art Nouveau painter
Lesser Ury ~ Impressionist painter
Franz Guillery | Genre painter
Christian Rohlfs ~ Expressionist painter
Johann Wolfgang Goethe ~ Aforismi sull'Arte
Rene Schute, 1969 ~ Surrealist painter
Paul Klee ~ L'arte è quello che c'è fra il colore e la tela
Elli Michler | I wish you time / Ti auguro tempo
Christa Kieffer, 1949 | La Belle Époque
Alfred Gockel, 1952 | Abstract painter
Angie Braun, 1961 ~ Blue Eyes..
Hermann Hesse / Fabian Perez ~ Così vanno le stelle..
Emil Nolde, l'Espressionista perseguitato dal nazismo..
Emil Nolde ~ The Expressionist Flowers
Bertram Bahner, 1959
Arthur Schopenhauer ed Igor Zenin
La crisi secondo Albert Einstein
John William Waterhouse & Hermann Hesse
Peter Wever, 1950 ~ Embrace
Hermann Hesse | La gioia del pittore
Bill Mack / Hermann Hesse ~ Tienimi per mano al tramonto..
Hermann Hesse: Vieni con me!
Arthur Schopenhauer: "Quelli che si amano"...
Hermann Hesse: "Il walzer di Chopin"...
Hermann Hesse ~ Favola d'Amore...
Jurgen Gorg, 1951
Catrin Welz-Stein ~ Surrealist Digital painter
Annette Schmucker, 1957 ~ Abstract painter
Kathrin Longhurst, 1971 ~ Blind Love
Ludwig van Beethoven: Plaudite amici, comedia finita est..
George Lundeen, 1948 ~ Figurative sculptor
Sebastian Krüger, 1963 ~ Hollywood legends
Lyonel Feininger ~ Cubist/Expressionist painter
The Albert Einstein Memorial, 1979
Albert Einstein | L'Autobiografia scientifica
Marianne von Werefkin (1860-1938) | Expressionist painter
Elvira Amrhein, 1957 ~ L'Ange Rebelle
Kaspar von Zumbusch | Beethoven Monument, Vienna, 1880
Ludwig Van Beethoven | Composers in Art
Così parlò Zarathustra ~ Nietzsche, 1885 | Il canto notturno / The Night Song
Leo Putz | Impressionist / Expressionist painter
Sulamith Wülfing | Visionary painter
Nietzsche e la "Carmen" di Bizet
Friedrich Nietzsche / Michael Bilotta ~ Quotes /Gli aforismi
Albert Bierstadt ~ Hudson River School
Carsten Witte, 1964 | Fashion photographer
Max Ernst ~ Dada Surrealist painter
Matthias Grünewald ~ Renaissance painter
Paul Klee ~ Expressionist painter
Emil Nolde ~ The Die Brücke Group
Eduard Hau | Interiors of the Hermitage Museum
Kaspian Shore, 1983
Doris Joa | Watercolor painter
Catrin Arno ~ Surrealist painter
Caprice De Meló
Klaus Kampert, 1953 | Figurative photographer
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner ~ Expressionist painter
Andre Kosslick ~ Digital Art
Franz Marc ~ The Blue Rider Group
Franz Marc ~ Espressionista tedesco
Siegfried Zademack, 1952 | Surrealist / Visionary painter
Wolfgang Lettl ~ Surrealist painter
Marion Lucka

Emil Nolde [1867-1956] - Friesenhäuser II

Emil Nolde - Portrait of a Young Girl

L'arte Tedesca ha una lunga e distinta tradizione nelle arti visive, dalle prime opere d'arte figurativa conosciute all'attuale produzione di arte contemporanea.
La Germania è stata unita in un solo stato dal XIX secolo e la definizione dei suoi confini è stata notoriamente difficile e dolorosa.
Per periodi precedenti l'arte tedesca spesso include effettivamente quella prodotta nelle regioni di lingua tedesca tra cui Austria, Alsazia e gran parte della Svizzera, così come in gran parte città o regioni di lingua tedesca a est dei moderni confini tedeschi.
Anche se tende a essere trascurato rispetto ai contributi italiani e francesi dal punto di vista del mondo di lingua inglese, l'arte tedesca ha svolto un ruolo cruciale nello sviluppo dell'arte occidentale, in particolare dell'arte celtica, dell'arte carolingia e dell'arte ottoniana.

Paul Klee (1879-1940) Senecio, 1922

Dallo sviluppo dell'arte romanica, Francia e Italia iniziarono a guidare gli sviluppi per il resto del Medioevo, ma la produzione di una Germania sempre più ricca rimase di grande importanza.
Il Rinascimento tedesco si sviluppò in direzioni piuttosto diverse rispetto al Rinascimento italiano e inizialmente fu dominato dalla figura centrale di Albrecht Dürer e dal dominio tedesco della stampa.
La fase finale del Rinascimento, il Manierismo del Nord, fu centrata attorno ai bordi delle terre tedesche, nelle Fiandre e nella capitale imperiale di Praga, ma, soprattutto nell'architettura, il barocco tedesco e il rococò adottarono questi stili importati con entusiasmo.
Le origini tedesche del Romanticismo non hanno portato ad una posizione altrettanto centrale nelle arti visive, ma la partecipazione tedesca ai molti movimenti ampiamente modernisti in seguito al crollo dell'arte accademica è diventata sempre più importante.

Paul Klee - Hesitation